Tame Your Tongue: Bible Verses

Understanding the impact of how we speak and what we say is crucial. While we are all aware of the power of words, it's worth acknowledging that on a daily basis, we may unintentionally express harmful sentiments about ourselves and others, underestimating the influence words can hold. Our words have the ability to either uplift or tear down, to encourage or to harm.

In aspiring to live a life that glorifies God, it is wise to make thoughtful choices in our speech. The words we speak are not just expressions, but they serve as mirrors reflecting the state of our hearts. Taking a moment for self-reflection, consider:

  • Does your speech glorify God?

  • Are your words used to encourage or to offend?

  • Do you find yourself engaging in gossip?

  • How satisfied are you with the way you speak about yourself and others?

  • Reflect on the frequency with which you may speak negatively about yourself.

These questions guide us toward fostering a more positive and fruitful use of speech, aligning our communication with values that honor, uplift, and align with God’s word.

Bible verses to help you tame your tongue:

Rebecca George