about me

Rebecca George, “Reba,” is a 24-year-old creator blending faith and digital marketing seamlessly. As the founder of the Christ-centered Instagram platform, @bewisebeholy, she empowers and educates her audience with uplifting content. Reba graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications Media Studies and recently completed a Master of Science in Management from Fordham University. By day, she excels as a Marketing Communications Specialist, showcasing her passion as a content creator, social media strategist, and writer. Outside the digital world, she finds joy in singing, teaching the word of God, and playing musical instruments.

Reba has been married to her husband, Ian George, for over a year. Together, they work toward higher education with Ian in his final year of medical school and Reba aspiring to pursue her PhD. The newlyweds credit their success to God as they fulfill His plan and purpose for their lives.

Colossians 3:17

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”